Recognising the Signs of Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a mental health disorder that affects an individual’s ability to control their gambling behaviors and the impact they have on their life. People who develop a gambling disorder are at a higher risk of poorer health outcomes and experience significant financial losses, strain on relationships, debt, and emotional distress. It’s important to recognise the signs of gambling addiction in yourself or a loved one so that you can seek treatment and support.

Some of the most common symptoms of gambling addiction include lying, hiding money and/or spending more than they can afford to spend. Some people with a gambling addiction may even steal to fund their habit or repay debts. This is often a sign that the person needs immediate help and can be dangerous, particularly for young people or women.

Often, the financial strain caused by gambling addiction can lead to relationship breakdowns and emotional turmoil. People who have a gambling problem can also become withdrawn and angry, especially if they lose large amounts of money. They can also become secretive and lie to friends and family members about their gambling habits, and if they have children, they might put them under pressure to keep secrets.

People who have a gambling problem are also at a higher risk of suicide because of the stress, shame and guilt associated with the behavior. It is important to get help as soon as possible to prevent suicidal thoughts and feelings from developing. Getting professional treatment for gambling addiction is usually effective and can also help reduce underlying psychological or emotional problems.