The Growing Prevalence of Lottery Gambling
The prevalence of lottery gambling is increasing in our society. This is due to a combination of factors including a low cost of entry, a socially acceptable risk, and the increasing popularity of the lottery. People in their twenties and thirties are especially likely to play the lottery, with the number hovering around 70 percent. At the end of their lives, their numbers decline to just over two-thirds, and they are only slightly less likely to play the lottery if they’re older. Men also tend to play the lottery more than women, with average daily purchases being 18.7 days, as compared to 10.4 days for women.
Lottery revenue growth is not constant, however. After the first few years of lottery gambling, the profits have generally increased. In 1996, net revenues of the U.S. lottery industry were $13.8 billion, or 32% of sales. This represents the largest source of gambling revenue for the government. The majority of people who gamble in lotteries do so to win big prizes, such as cars and houses. In addition, many people gamble just to have fun and bet a few bucks.
Many Americans gamble on the lottery to improve their financial situation, and when they’re feeling desperate, they tend to gamble more often. And the state government continues to market lottery gambling games while citizens get economic relief checks from the U.S. Treasury. There are also no laws banning these businesses from opening or operating in black neighborhoods. Whether or not lottery gambling is legal in a state is another issue. The state government should stop marketing these gambling products while citizens are getting checks from the U.S. Treasury.