How to Stop Gambling Tricks
It can be incredibly frustrating to watch a loved one gamble away their money. They may sell family possessions, run up debts on joint credit cards, or even steal to fund their gambling addiction. They’re likely secretive about their behavior and lie to friends and family members to hide the problem. In the end, they’re unable to control their urges and are left with hundreds or thousands of dollars in debt.
While it is not easy to stop gambling once you have a problem, there are steps that can help you take back control of your finances. For starters, it is important to set limits on how much you can lose before gambling and never chase losses. You can also practice better money management by leaving your credit cards at home and not carrying more than a certain amount of cash in your wallet. In addition, it is helpful to learn to cope with unpleasant emotions in healthier ways, such as exercising, spending time with friends who don’t gamble, and practicing relaxation techniques.
It’s also important to avoid triggers that encourage gambling, such as the illusion of control and irrational beliefs, by learning to recognize them and challenge their influence. For example, if your usual route to and from work passes by a casino, consider taking a different route or turning off sports channels. Similarly, if you find yourself feeling bored, try taking a walk or reading a book instead of hitting the slots.